laboratory/in-situ Metallography (Replica) of different materials/alloys & Interpretation
Provide failure analysis/investigation service .
Provide different mechanical testing of materials such as tensile test bending, impact, etc.
Review, comment and approve the material selection diagrams of Process and utility units.
Recommend better material and metallurgy upgradation whenever required to combat corrosion and other material degradation.
Heat Treating service (Pre-heating, Post heating, Stress Relieving)
Provide in-situ hardness testing.
Provide the guidelines for Remaining Life assessment (RLA).
Equipment Cleaning:
Provide and witness different cleaning methods of equipment such as chemical cleaning , hydro blasting, mechanical Roding, steaming, de-oiling and de-sulphiding.
Provide/Supervision chemical cleaning procedure of Boiler/cooling water circuits.
Cathodic Protection/ Coating & Wrapping:
Design the C.P system for underground piping and tanks.
Assessment of the existing CP and recommended the rectification plan whenever needed.
Provide the service of Close interval Potential Survey (CIPS) and Direct Current Voltage Gradient (DCVG) for underground piping.
Recommend and Witness application of painting system for cold/hot surfaces and under insulation for equipment.
On-Stream Corrosion Control of Process/Utility Units:
Prepare the corrosion control document for process units and provide the Integrity Operating Window (IOW) for each one.
Prepare on-stream corrosion monitoring program and provide alarm limits for integrity parameters for all units.